Posted by Wayne Housley | Feb 15, 2024 |
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been making waves in various industries, and the legal arena is no exception. With the advancements in technology, AI is now being used to assist lawyers and legal professionals in their work. This has raised many questions about the significance and differences that arises with the increased use of AI.
Posted by Wayne Housley | Sep 05, 2018 |
House Bill 387 became law on July 1, 2018. The new law has many new components that are designed to assist the less fortunate and those impoverished to prevent continual incarceration when simply unable to pay off a fine, restitution or court costs. Another important component is that inmates will be eligible for parole when not convicted of a violent crime, drug trafficking, or as a habitual offender.
Posted by Wayne Housley | Feb 07, 2018 |
Tax refunds are essential to the United States tax system There are many benefits that citizens receive from these refunds. In addition to benefitting individuals and families, the local economy is affected positively. Learn the various ways tax refunds benefit you and I.
Posted by Wayne Housley | Dec 21, 2017 |
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
Posted by Wayne Housley | Jul 17, 2017 |
What is Threatening Body Language
Body language is one of the only true universal languages. No matter where you are in the world or whether the situation is threatening or not, body language will always speak volumes.
A lot of us think of a stereotypical, Hollywood-like situation when we think...
Posted by Wayne Housley | Jun 08, 2017 |
Mississippi Bicycle Safety Act
Mississippis number of bicycle enthusiasts has skyrocketed in recent years, and with the states growing popularity for cycling there have also been a growing number of accidents involving drivers and cyclists. One of the most recent cycling casualties was John Pa...
Posted by Wayne Housley | Apr 26, 2017 |
No matter what the charge, a guilty finding in a criminal court case comes with severe potential consequences, including stiff fines, loss of rights such as driving privileges, and loss of freedom through either a jail or prison sentence. And this is true whether facing felony or misdemeanor char...
Posted by Wayne Housley | Apr 21, 2017 |
Everyone knows that looks cant really “kill,” but did you know that they could possibly get you arrested in many states, including Mississippi?
While rarely applied by police and prosecutors, Mississippi criminal code allows for non-verbal threats to be considered as forms of simple assault...
Posted by Wayne Housley | Apr 20, 2017 |
Getting a DUI is serious, but there can be consequences beyond points on your license, higher insurance, fees and fines to pay, or even a car accident. Depending on what you do for a living and the company you work for, getting caught driving under the influence could also cost you your job.
Posted by Wayne Housley | Mar 21, 2017 |
With some exceptions, prisoners in Mississippi who have been sentenced to a term of one year or more may be granted parole, which is conditional early release from their prison sentence. Parole can only be granted after parolees have served one-fourth of their sentence and have a record of good p...
Posted by Wayne Housley | Mar 15, 2017 |
The drunk driving laws in Mississippi are designed to protect other drivers from people who may drink and then get behind the wheel. The law also requires that you submit to a chemical test such as a breathalyzer or BAC (blood alcohol content), and if you refuse you will lose your license for a m...
Posted by Wayne Housley | Feb 27, 2017 |
If you have been convicted of a criminal offense, forever after, when faced with any application for basically anything, including employment, renting a home, or applying for any loan, you will be required to check “yes” on the blank that asks, “Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense?...
Posted by Wayne Housley | Feb 09, 2017 |
Imagine spending your life in a cage, unable to wander outside unless youre under surveillance. The meals are the same week after week, social interaction is limited, and you only get to see family on certain days and times. For the more than 2.3 million Americans trapped in the U.S. prison syst...
Posted by Wayne Housley | Dec 10, 2016 |
Being arrested and charged with a crime is often the most difficult and stressful time of your life. The charge could be for a DUI, assault, domestic violence, or a sex crime. Getting the assistance of a dedicated and committed litigator in Lee County, Mississippi, can prove to be the best cours...
Posted by Wayne Housley | Nov 09, 2016 |
The warm temperatures this fall might cause one to drink more than usual. Avoid the temptation to drink and drive.
Posted by Wayne Housley | Sep 01, 2016 |
The Fourth Amendment affords protections and expectations of privacy against governmental intrusions. Know your rights.
Posted by Wayne Housley | Sep 01, 2016 |
Hunting rights of a convicted felon may be restored in Mississippi. Contact William Wayne Housley at 662-844-5635 to discuss.
Posted by Wayne Housley | Aug 09, 2016 |
Senate Bill 2778 changes Mississippi DUI laws once again.
Posted by Wayne Housley | Aug 09, 2016 |
Be aware that the legislature and MADD agenda has once again increased the penalties relative to DUI offenses. If you have been charged, please contact me at 662-844-5635 immediately.
Posted by Wayne Housley | Aug 04, 2016 |
Expungement allows for a new start opening new avenues for restoring voting and gun rights and housing and job opportunities.
Posted by Wayne Housley | Mar 15, 2016 |
Contact William Wayne Housley immediately.
Posted by Wayne Housley | Mar 15, 2016 |
Where charged with driving under the influence of prescription drugs, contact William Wayne Housley immediately.
Posted by Wayne Housley | Feb 15, 2016 |
Tips on How to Avoid Getting a DUI requires that one be polite and keep their wits. Most of the questioning is completely voluntary. Beware of answering too much. Just present license and proof of insurance and politely refuse all other questioning. Always remember that the burden of proof is on the officer.
Posted by Wayne Housley | Oct 16, 2015 |
The hardship license has been superseded by an ignition interlock restricted license for those that need a license after being charged with DUI refusal or may be required by a court as conditions to have matter expunged.
Posted by Wayne Housley | Oct 09, 2015 |
Although someone reaches the age of consent does not mean all possible concerns are gone. Sex is an adult act and requires two adults. Be responsible and wait.